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Speed up development by automatically installing & saving dependencies with Webpack.

It is inefficient to Ctrl-C your build script & server just to install a dependency you didn't know you needed until now.

Instead, use require or import how you normally would and installation will happen automatically to install & save missing dependencies while you work!

$ npm install --save-dev install-webpack-plugin


In your webpack.config.js:

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin()

This is equivalent to:

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
    dependencies: {
      peer: true,
    packageManager: {
      type: this.getDefaultPackageManager(),
      options: {
        dev: false,
        quiet: false,
    prompt: true,



Type: Object

Dependencies related options.


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Install missing peer dependencies.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
    dependencies: {
      peer: true,


Type: 'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm' | Object | Function

Package manager to use for installing dependencies.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
      packageManager: 'yarn'

You can provide a Function to the packageManager to make it dynamic:

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
    packageManager: function(module, path) {
      return [
      ].indexOf(module) !== -1;


Type: 'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm'

Name of package manager to use for installing dependencies.


Type: Object

Package manager related options.


Type: Array

Provide custom arguments to use with package manager.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
      packageManager: {
        type: 'npm',
        options: {
          arguments: ['--ignore-scripts']


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Install as development dependencies.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
      packageManager: {
        type: 'npm',
        options: {
          dev: true,


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Reduce the amount of console logging.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
      packageManager: {
        type: 'npm',
        options: {
          quiet: true,


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Show a prompt to confirm installation.

plugins: [
  new InstallPlugin({
      prompt: true,


install-webpack-plugin demo


  • Works with webpack ^v5.0.0.
  • Auto-installs .babelrc plugins & presets.
  • Supports both ES5 & ES6 Modules. (e.g. require, import)
  • Supports Namespaced packages. (e.g. @cycle/dom)
  • Supports Dot-delimited packages. (e.g. lodash.capitalize)
  • Supports CSS imports. (e.g. @import "~bootstrap")
  • Supports webpack loaders. (e.g. babel-loader, file-loader, etc.)
  • Supports inline webpack loaders. (e.g. require("bundle?lazy!./App")
  • Auto-installs missing peerDependencies. (e.g. @cycle/core will automatically install rx@*)
  • Supports webpack's resolve.alias & resolve.root configuration. (e.g. require("react") can alias to react-lite)


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Webpack 5 has been officially released. Read our announcement. Not ready yet? Read webpack 4 documentation here.